Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Today's Market Close

I'm having some difficulty uploading the market close from the WSJ. I"ll insert it later.

Do listen to Gary K's show for this evening if you haven't. Market leadership is getting trashed a bit and that is cause for concern.

I was looking at a group of food stocks. All down today except one: SYUT. It's a US company in China that makes infant formula. Here's the chart:

I had some DXD that I purchased day before yesterday as well as some DUG (double inverse oil/gas). Just a feeling. I did close out of DXD. Those double inverse funds are ugly on gap ups (I had one recently and it cost me about $3K). Of course we may have a gap down tomorrow--but I'll not lament.

Sorry for the placeholders!


Anonymous said...





Anonymous said...

Leisa, has SYUT got milk??

"What has been happening to world dairy prices?
The most marked increases have been in dairy prices. Over the last year, dairy prices have increased
by 73 percent. Milk powder prices have led the way, rising almost twice as fast as other dairy products." (= from 2000-4300 per tonne June 2006-June 2007).

Short term impact ?

3mths to 6mths to
Dec 31-06 Sept 30 06

4.19 15.61

Leisa♠ said...

Not only milk, but fish. I was at the warehouse store and picked up a two-pack of salmon. I thought that it seemed expensive or else my memory had just imploded. Just a week later, CNBC had a segment (with Jane WElls) about the escalating cost of fish.

This comment conjures a memory which will morph into a post.

Anonymous said...

Looks from SYUT notes that not high impact from input costs to date (though this may yat come through). SG&A increases have had more impact on margins and may go away e.g. Ads. Topline growth costing more to maintain... may pay off rest of year or be the cost of higher sales. Bottom line growth rates may then be slowing a lot or getting ready to profit from the marketing investment.

Anonymous said...

I went for sushi the other day, had not for long time, the guy said Med. tuna unavailable (or prohibitive) so he was from Europe getting Sri Lankan.