Monday, April 30, 2007


HERO blew away their numbers. I'll be interested in seeing how much pressure this puts on the stock given the large short interest. It closed @ $30.71 and is currently trading at $33. My original entry point was $24.27. I think that it will be a good day.


Anonymous said...

I'm new to your site and you may have posted something already about it, but I am wondering why the enormous volume spike on March 19. Any thoughts?

Leisa♠ said...

Hi Angela--You ask a good question. I don't know the answer to that. But after that, the volume overall picked up. I would imagine that is the day that the large short interest appeared. However, in truth, I can surmise no better than another.

russell1200 said...

You noted the short interest numbers in an earlier post, but I find these numbers more actionable. If you hit the Insider Trading headline it will give you the interesting details. For sure there was no major bailout by insiders, so who knows what the short interest was about.

Leisa♠ said...

Russell--Thanks for this.

I pay more attention to insider buys than sells. I do like to look at the institutional movement, but that info is often stale.