Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The Bad SEED

I've been in and out of SEED. Most recently, I bought it at 7.78 and sold it at 9.55. I rolled my gain into$10 MAR calls. A speculative earnings play. They reported this p.m. for their quarter ended 9/30/07. It wasn't a terribly good report. My loss is essentially "house money" but it does detract from performance.

My USD thesis of strengthening has proved wrong. My thinking that commodity prices has proved wrong. But I've had more rights than wrongs. So I'm not thumping my head against the wall. But I have some vulnerable short (SMN/DUG/WFT puts) and long (WLP/DIA/GE) positions. SEED proved not only to be a vulnerable but disastrous long.

I managed to get through most of the day today without a pain pill. I took one at 8. I'm hope to make it through the night without one. This injury is giving me thighs and arms of steel. I think I've turned the corner on the worst of it. I've found, though, that a fractured cuboid is quite rare.


Anonymous said...


House money is one of the larger investor behaviorial traps don't you know!

There is no such thing as house money as it was really your money.

Leisa♠ said...

g-of course you are right! But it was a speculative trade that was very consciously made and positioned. In fact, I lost less on my calls than I would have lost on the stock had I held through earnings. This is a strategy that I've had good luck with and allows me to get exposure to additional moves up while limiting my downside. I've still three weeks, and anything can happen with this silly stock!

Gemma Star said...

A fractured cuboid quite rare?

You're rare (and quite a find, I might add) so it only makes sense that your fracture would likewise be rare.


Leisa♠ said...

GS--thanks for your nice comment. I've also had a tripod fracture of the right zygoma. I'm hoping to get through the balance of my life with no more fractures.