Monday, April 07, 2008

Futures are Up

and, so is my foot. Tough night last night, I guess because of my standing on my foot for a bit longer than usual. My husband went to BJ's with me. It's never lack of food that generates a trip, but when we get down to our last roll of toilet paper. We have 4 heinies and 3 bathrooms--so when at least one of those rolls gets down to about 4 winds left, a state of emergency is promptly declared.

I did use the scooter--I would never be able to walk on concrete for that distance. I couldn't believe how expensive the dog food was. It has gone up considerably. But we managed to get $412 of necessities, so we can eat, drink and wipe with impunity!

Last night I made homemade marinara sauce. It's basically olive oil, 4 cups of onions, some carrots, basil and canned tomatoes. I used crushed tomatoes. I also made a double batch. In addition I browned some a mix of ground beef/veal/pork and added it. I also browned Italian sausages. With fresh grated Parmesan, you couldn't go to any Italian restaurant and get a better plate of spaghetti. We had bread. No green vegetable, though. Oh well.

Anyway, a hard floor (ceramic) on a hurt foot is not a good combination. But, everyday I get a little stronger. So, I must be patient.

Barry's blog notes the George Soros interviews on FT. You can find it HERE.

Listening to the interview is a reminder that common senses is something that Soros', Buffets' and Ross's of the world have. I was particularly impressed with Soros' saying that all of the credit default swaps should be put on an exchange where (1) values would be public; (2) counterparties would be known. I was impressed, because I made the very same comment in another forum. So I have a little sense in my head. But you can understand why there would be some "opposition" to such transparency.

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