I tried to combine this content with the post below. This is the Intro to the post below~
As I reflected on what a good bit of my blog postings are--my finding things from other places to share with you for comment and opinion (largely because I don't know anything, which is the point of my blog)--I am electing to use the picture above for items that I have "bird-dogged". For newer folks to the blog, this is my beloved, though deceased dog, Lucy. She would have been 14 this week. She passed on January 6. So I hope that you will indulge me. As I find thinks that are interesting to me that I want to share here, I will label them as Bird Doggin! - Title and will have the Lucy bird dog emblem.
So this is the first installment of Bird Doggin! topic of the day is the web-site "Market Masters"? I pulled verbatim the very first article. But I hope that you'll visit the web-site and read the balance of these articles, because I think that they are very good. The website also had profiles of market masters at one time, but I didn't see it. But that might be lack-of-caffeine induced blindness.
Why did I choose this? As I reflect on my past year and a half of my journey, I wished I had understood earlier the concept of Unconscious Incompetence. I do think that I've graduated to Conscious Incompetence, but I recognize that I have a long way to go.
I've received some e-mail stating (1)problems with image (it should be a small web image of a beautiful birdog) and (2) with posting comments.
I'm not sure how to address any of these difficulties. This has happened in the past when I "see" what I'm expected to see, but others see something garbled. Perhaps the parallel universes are misaligned, but I apologize for any inconvenience.
Re: posting.
Sometimes these things just get "well" on their own, who knows how or why.
As for the picture? Hmmm. Maybe if you (arrrggghhhh!!!) take down the whole post and then RE-post (i.e., post again), charming Lucy will be there to charm us all.
Hi Leisa, thanks for sharing the picture of Lucy. What a lucky dog she was to have lived her life with you. I lost my 8 1/2 year old bunny Lanny on Jan 15. He was very special as well.
Really enjoy your blog. Thanks so much for the great work.
Alice, thanks for visiting. I'm sorry for your loss. I still have a 15 year old poodle, and 10 year old bird dog and not quite one year old mixed bag of mischief.
The poodle is ageless, but Mark and I were looking at Greta (10), and were noting that since Lucy has passed, that Greta looks older. I'm sure that it is the lack of comparison to Lucy and the strong comparison with Macy the younger dog.
Of course, that makes me feel rather old and faded to--I need to find a more favorable comparison!
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