Thursday, August 09, 2007

Sweet Jesus on a Biscuit

Tim Knight (and I hope that you read his excellent blog, see the link to the right), said the title of this post on his blog, and I've just become quite taken with it. I thought today a nice opportunity to use it.

I don't have much to say about today that you've not heard me say before. I will be listening to Gary K. Perhaps the uptrend hit a speed bump.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for that title. I love Tim's phrase!

Okay, we did the "market's already priced it in and besides that's all there is" thingy. Perhaps we can now get serious but I doubt it.

Tim is on a MAJOR hot streak right now with this market.


Anonymous said...

I think Goldman will eventually be proven to be the liars that they are. Read in between the lines of this article then recall yesterday's "Oh, there's no problem here. Move along." comments by GS.


Leisa♠ said...

Well, remember that their job is to manage expectations while the nuclear response team is deployed to size up the situation and work on a remediation, not to air their dirty laundry.

Leisa♠ said...

Here's a tinyurl for M's reference @ 6:00 p.m.