Tuesday, August 19, 2008

P. M. Post

The Sun, The Moon and a Basilisk, Around 1512
by Albrecht Dürer

It's dangerous to be long; it's dangerous to be short. Sectors rotate overnight. I at least felt a little more grounded in market direction earlier in the year. Now, I think that it is just chaos as things sort themselves out--a mele in which I've no wish to participate. I feel guilty that I've nothing of substance to share with you. I'm just in wait and see mode.

The credit markets are breaking down yet again. How many times have we heard that the worst is over? As there is no transparency, how could any know?

I'm done bitchin'. Sigh.

I'm into my "FBF" (Fit by Fifty) quest. Day 2. Counting calories. I've been vigilant in writing everything down. My CrossTrainer program tells me the damage. How many calories--where from--fat, protein, carbs. It adds up quickly. Too quickly.

I went over on my fat gram allotment by 4 g. I've another 168 calories that I can eat. I'm going to pass. I've elected to try to keep fat as a % of calories to 20%. Didn't work today. That 1/2 a bar of Nature Valley Sweet/Salty Peanut Bar was part of the culprit. According to my calorie intake plus expended (I did work out today), I lost .08 lbs.

Though my Crosstrainer and the food panels for stuff I eat have nutrition information, I found the USDA site that has a program that you can download that tells you the nutritional composition of many, many foods. You can find it here: http://www.ars.usda.gov/Services/docs.htm?docid=7783

Actually, it feels good to do this. And the tools that I have are familiar ones. I've one more graph to show you. It is my heart rate print out from my workout on Monday. Tomorrow is a rest day.

Looks like most of the stocks!

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