Friday, January 19, 2007

My Goodness!

As I'm sitting here listening to Gary K and sipping on some wine, I thought I would take a tour in the blogosphere simply by clicking the next blog. Well, I'm not sure how these damn things are arranged, but the neighbor three of four blogs away has some pretty graphic sexual stuff on her blog. I guess if I run out of material to write, I could steal a few things from her.


russell1200 said...

Occasionally a google search will pull up somebodies myspace site. And being nosy I always look out of curiosity. It is amazing what the 14-18 year old crowd will put on their myspace sites. Older people are usually more circumspect.

Larry said...

Just for fun:

T said...

Damn Al Gore for inventing the internet.

Leisa♠ said...

Hi Larry--thanks for dropping in and placing your link. wasn't you who placed that list of porn sites on Roger's blog was it?

Somebody listed about a dozen or more porn sites on Roger N's blog. Well, that certainly would save time if one were looking.

I've still always been angry (and trust me I'm no prude) that porn places such as are allowed to exist with that monaker. Any kid in America who was doing some research on the Whitehouse would key THAT in automatically. Maybe it's been changed since then, but I'm not even looking to see.

I've nothing against porn, but I don't think that you should have to see it if you are not seeking it.

Larry said...

leisa: on my brother's blog? I don't even know what the links are or how to find them. Nope, not me. But, why did you ask?

Leisa♠ said...

Larry, I was making a joke (since you popped in an the comment was merely your website).