Thursday, April 10, 2008

Quick Thoughts

John Mauldin has an "Outside the Box" written by George Friedman. Click on the graphic to reach it if you do not get this delivered in your mailbox. I have to admit that I've been a little flummoxed by the strength in oil.
This missive explains a bit of that.

FAST: Opened down today and I did something that I don't usually do: I acted without thinking. I sole 12 of my 20 puts for $1.35. Eight did not get filled. I'm keeping these as my "house" money. But I like house money and I do not necessarily wish to sweep it out the door. There's a huge short interest in FAST, and one never knows how the market will react, regardless of how egregious the news might be. It's worth noting that they surprised positively last week.

I've positions in DIVR. Which continues to do well. I also have just a fistful of HERO Jun $30 calls. I had these before, and I closed the out profitably prior to the stock moving back. P/E is very low, and if there is some hurricane activity in the Gulf region, this stock will benefit. (Though please know that I'm not doing any incantations wishing for storms!).

I'm going to have dinner with my SIL/BIL. They leave on Saturday to go to the Keys for her 50 birthday. We'll toast them away. So I'm running out the door, so no GaryK on the fly this evening early.

NG: I agree that this market is remarkably resilient--hence my partial exit out of FAST.

I also re-entered SEED. THAT might be a mistake. I did that within the last couple of days.

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