Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Rumi Axiom 2

The way of love is not
a subtle argument.

The door there
is devastation.

Birds make great sky-circles
of their freedom.
How do they learn it?

They fall, and falling,
they're given wings.

from Birdsong
translated by Coleman Barks.


Anonymous said...

The last stanza ("They fall, and falling,/ they're given wings.") is also a wonderful way to understand the idea of taking risks -- in life, in career, etc., etc.

I don't mean crazy risks, but thoughtful, measured risks.

Leisa♠ said...

It was not really meant to be an investing post, but I thought that too as I posted it.

This is one of my favorite poems. I had a brutal day yesterday, and I picked up my slim Birdsong volume. It is a collection of 50 quatrains.

It was a nice way to post something that required nothing but typing and clicking!

Anonymous said...

"It was not really meant to be an investing post, but I thought that too as I posted it."

That's one of the things that I like so much about your blog: it's so wonderfully eclectic -- and in the very best sense of that word.