Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Tidings of Comfort and Joy

With the week rapidly closing, I wanted to express tidings of comfort and joy for the holidays. Finding comfort and joy in the ordinary spaces of our lives erases the contentious boundaries that we sometimes draw around our religious, political or lifestyle choices. I'll express a wish, a hope and gratitude for the coming year.

A Wish: May each of you find comfort and joy in your ordinary spaces.

A Hope: That you will share--with reckless enthusiasm and boundless generosity--your comfort and joy with others.

Gratitude: For visiting my blog, sharing your ideas and offering encouragement as I undertake this new process.


Anonymous said...

I'm grateful that you started this blog; I hope you don't give it up; I wish you every success.

Merry! Merry!

russell1200 said...

It's raining now, but eventually my little one is going to figure out he has a new sandbox outside- at which point I will not be at the computer much.

So before the Holiday whorl gets too intense: I hope everyone has a great holiday.

Thank you for your work on this blog.

A nice web-blog that is not finance related:

Leisa♠ said...

Russell--thank you for the dropshots.

It's a horribly dreary day today (xmas). I hope that your son enjoys his sandbox. If you have a cat, keep a cover on it!