Monday, December 18, 2006

Rumi Axiom 3

Spring overall. But inside us
there's another unity.

Behind each eye here,
one glowing weather.

Every forest branch moves differently
in the breeze, but as they sway
they connect at the roots.

Birdsong, translated by Coleman Barks.
I've not picked up this Rumi book in years. I had a few poems that I enjoyed, and I've shared a couple here. It's a slim volume. As I opened it this evening (long day of work 12+ hours), the book opened here and my eye was drawn to this. I was surprised that the page was not dog eared.

I share these poems because I think that they have deep meaning. They have nothing to do with investing, but everything to do with being human. Too often we forget our humanity, and it is something worth our remembering.


Anonymous said...

I think I gotta buy a copy of Rumi. Can't take my computer to bed to read these and...ruminate.

Leisa♠ said...

There are many translations of Rumi. I have several Rumi books. Believe it or not there is also a book of Rumi's bawdy tales in the style of Chaucer but racier.. Yes, there is even a woman about a woman and a donkey. Unbelievable.

Anonymous said...

I'll read about the donkey, but just the donkey. You can keep the women.

russell1200 said...

There was an odd man named Rummee
Who babbled of nature perversely
He ran out of rhyme
No longer divine
Now staying with Jill the Donkey

Urszula said...

I didn't know you had a blog ;-)

Thanks you, thank you so much Leisa.