Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Marine Carriers

Shipping rates are starting to drop. Here's a look at what happened to the Marine Carriers today:

Here's the poster child for the group, DRYS:

Here's the top 5+/- performers for the last 30 days. I guess DRYS was not the poster child, but rather TBSI:


russell1200 said...

That just figures. I just shipped Godzilla from Hong Kong and the rates go down the next day!

Now if only my little one can get out of the redzone at preschool before it arrives!

Anonymous said...

Wonder if the railroads are next,
I used your chemical list the other night while researching options via paper trades, the next day I would have made out big, Thanks for sharing your stuff
Long very short term UYG SSO

Leisa♠ said...

Russell--I suppose their up-charges for fantastical packages are still intact!

K--Thanks for the feedback. I've some UYG as well for a short term. It actually went green for a moment today!

The railroads have been slowly rolling over. I'll post something later.

Anonymous said...

These are the paper trade numbers showing todays results of the stocks that I took from your list the other night,another of the 4 that I wrote down was TNH which is not optionable, if I remember a good many of them didn't have options

These are Feb puts that were just out of the money and were at a price I would be willing to pay(under $4.00)
Of course paper trades are easy and the sector took a big hit today,but it shows why I should learn to toy around with options
There are probably more gains in these puts in the next month, but I think I would buy puts at another strike price, out of the money and under $4.00

PRICE 45.62
LOSS -4.41(8.81%)
PREV 2.20
LAST 4.00
GAIN 81%

PRICE 91.71
LOSS -9.54(9.42%)
PREV 3.60
LAST 7.20
GAIN 100%

PRICE 104.33
LOSS -10.67(9.28)
PREV 2.75
LAST 4.80
GAIN 74%

No need to respond

russell1200 said...

"Wonder if the railroads are next"
If I remember correctly Godzilla wiped out a train in the first movie.

But it appears that Godzilla (either in effigy or enactment form) have been banned from pre-school: forever and ever and ever!

It appears that all the roaring finally drove his teachers up a tree.